Member-only story
Ravencoin — Block-Based Voting for Mining Representative
Note: The code for this has not been written — yet.
Candidates are nominated by mining pools — one nomination per pool. Mining pools can have their own method of representing their individual miner’s wishes.
If there are more than 14 candidates, the nominees from the top 14 identifiable mining pools will be used from the preceding 100 natural 2016 block cycles. Why only 14 candidates? Because we’re using 4 valuable bits of the version bits in the block header which gives 16 combinations, 0000 represents the default of no-vote, and 1111 is reserved for a vote of no-confidence in a representative. That leaves room for 14 candidates which is plenty.
Code will be added to set the vote preference in core by editing raven.conf. Other mining pool software will need to set the version bits according to the spec below.
Set in raven.conf
boardvote=@ #Abstain from the vote (also the default if nothing is set)
boardvote=A #Vote for candidate A
boardvote=B #Vote for candidate B
boardvote=N #Vote for candidate N (maximum # candidates is 14)