Ravencoin — Getting Started
It has come to my attention that a step-by-step introduction to Ravencoin might be helpful to those that aren’t super technically minded.
I was blessed with a super technical mind. None of my VCRs are blinking 12:00 and each is set to the correct time. Wait, what!? Nobody uses VCRs anymore? Aahh #$@!&, this world changes too fast.
Ok, here’s a step-by-step guide for Ravencoin.
IMPORTANT: If you already have some real RVN, make sure you save (backup) your wallet.dat file FIRST. See instructions below.
- mainnet — The real network. RVN has real value, be careful.
- testnet — A testing network, where the RVN aren’t worth anything, and you can try things out.
- mining — Letting your computer verify transactions and enter a competitive timed lottery to get RVN.
Getting the Ravencoin software (for free)
Ravencoin is just a program you install on your computer. First determine if you have Mac, Linux, or Windows, then jump to the appropriate section below. If you don’t know what you have, then you have Windows.
Installing for Windows
- Visit https://github.com/RavenProject/Ravencoin/releases and download the file that ends in win64-setup.exe
- Find the file, and double-click on it to run it. That will install the Ravencoin software.
- After installation — Under your [Start], find ‘Raven Core’ folder, and open it to find ‘Raven Core’ and run it.
- Once the program is started, it should begin downloading the blockchain. Just be patient.
Installing for Mac
- Visit https://github.com/RavenProject/Ravencoin/releases and download the file that ends in osx.dmg
- Find the file, and double-click on it to run it.
- You should see the Ravencoin logo and a folder. Drag the Ravencoin logo to the folder.
- Then hit ⌘-[Spacebar] and type Raven to run the Raven-Qt program.
- Once the program is running it will start downloading the Ravencoin blockchain. Be patient.
Installing for Linux
- Visit https://github.com/RavenProject/Ravencoin/releases and download the file that ends in linux-gnu.tar.gz
- Extract the files
tar -xvzf <filename>.tar.gz
- Launch raven-qt with
Running testnet — To play with assets on testnet
For Windows
- Under your [Start], find ‘Raven Core’, and open it to find ‘Raven Core (testnet)’ and run it.
- You should see a testnet app show up. It will say ‘Raven Core [testnet]’ in the title bar.
For Mac
- Open up terminal. Hit ⌘+[Space] and type ‘terminal’
- Type (or copy/paste)
cd /Applications/Raven-Qt.app/Contents/MacOS
<enter> - Type
./Raven-Qt -testnet
- You should see a testnet app show up. It will say ‘Raven Core [testnet]’ in the title bar.
For Linux
- Open up terminal.
- Find where you’ve installed (extracted) Ravencoin.
- Type
./raven-qt -testnet
- You should see a testnet app show up. It will say ‘Raven Core [testnet]’ in the title bar.
You’ll need 500 RVN to create an asset. If you were on mainnet, you’d need to mine or buy some. Since you are on testnet, you can mine some pretty easily. To turn on mining, choose Help->’Debug window’->[Console] tab. Then in the input box, type: setgenerate true 4
That will set your computer to mining some testnet RVN. Testnet RVN has no value, but can be used to create assets on testnet. Give it some time, and you’ll mine a block — giving you 5000 RVN.
Creating Assets (On testnet before Nov 3rd-ish)
- Once the testnet chain has synced, click on the [Assets] tab.
- Click the [Create Asset] button.
- Leave address blank (for advanced users)
- Choose a name for your asset (all uppercase) between 3 characters and 30 characters long.
- Enter a Quantity — any number between 1 and 21,000,000,000
- Set the Units to 0 (for indivisible), or 8 (very divisible), or somewhere in-between.
- Leave reissuable checked unless you’re sure of your other choices.
- Hit [Create Asset] and now you’re the proud owner of some worthless tokens.
- Make the tokens worth something.
Sending Assets — This is the real power of Ravencoin
- Get an address from a friend.
- Send them this document and have them set up Ravencoin
- Ask them to go to File->’Receiving addresses’ — hit [New], and give it a name.
- Ask them to e-mail the address to you. Tip: Right-click on the address and choose ‘Copy address’ to put it on the clipboard. From the [Assets] tab, choose the newly created asset to send.
2. Copy/paste your friend’s address into ‘Pay To:’
3. Set the amount of the asset to send.
4. Hit [Send]
Backing Up Your Wallet
This is important on mainnet, not as much on testnet.
- First, encrypt your wallet. Choose Settings->’Encrypt Wallet’ and add a passphrase. DO NOT LOSE YOUR PASSPHRASE.
- Then back up your wallet to a thumb-drive or similar. Choose File->’Backup Wallet’ and select the location of your thumb-drive or external storage device. DO NOT LOSE THE BACKUP.
If you have any trouble, visit the Ravencoin Discord channels and request help. Members of the Ravencoin community are super helpful.