Ravencoin — NFTs — Unique Assets vs. ERC-721

Tron Black
5 min readFeb 18, 2021

When selecting a token technology, you should choose the technology that works best for your project.

Tokenization Benefit

Cost to Transfer

The cost to transfer Ravencoin assets is much cheaper than ERC-721. The cost varies by load on the Ethereum network, and the network is currently at a pretty high load because of the popularity of DeFi lending, trading, etc. The cost of transfer could vary dramatically depending on the at-the-time load on the Ethereum network. If your token needs this DeFi network for its value, then you may want to bear this cost. But if your token is not dependent on the DeFi network which is mostly on Ethereum (currently), then Ravencoin assets transfer for a much lower cost.

Unique Names — Anti-Spoofing

Having a unique name for your token is important for two reasons. First, is to prevent fraud and spoofing using identically named tokens. Just like we all know that IBM on NYSE market is a specific company. Imagine if there were 14 different stocks named IBM, and the only thing that distinguished the company formerly known as…



Tron Black

Freedom advocate, crypto developer, businessman, entrepreneur, and lead dev for Ravencoin — a top crypto-currency and asset issuance platform.