Ravencoin — Voting for HODLer Representative (w/RVN)

Tron Black
5 min readNov 23, 2020

Note: The website for this is not built yet.

The HODLer representative will be voted on by the RVN HODLers. Every RVN you hold at the designated blockheight can be voted.

If you own lots of RVN, you get lots of votes. If you own one RVN, you get a vote. Pretty simple.

Before you get concerned that someone could just buy a bunch of RVN (driving up the price) and dominate the whole project, remember that the HOLDer representative, while influential, is only one seventh of the board making…



Tron Black

Freedom advocate, crypto developer, businessman, entrepreneur, and lead dev for Ravencoin — a top crypto-currency and asset issuance platform.