Decentralized Autonomous Organizations Amendments Bill (Utah)

UBC — Decentralized Autonomous Organizations Amendments Bill

Tron Black
2 min readMay 23, 2023

For the time being, I am chair of the Utah Blockchain Coalition. It is quite an honor. I don’t know why I was chosen. Somehow, I’ve entered the intersection of legal and blockchain because of my work with Ravencoin, which allows anything to be tokenized.

Let’s talk about the Decentralized Autonomous Organizations Amendments bill from Utah. Now, you know I’m all about advancing the cause of blockchain and crypto, and this bill is a step in the right direction.

First up, this bill is granting decentralized autonomous organizations, or DAOs, the same legal status as a domestic limited liability company. This is huge. It’s like getting the keys to the kingdom. Suddenly, our friendly neighborhood DAOs aren’t just existing in the digital world, they’re stepping into the legal light, ready to operate like any other company. It’s like we’re in the Matrix and DAOs just took the red pill.

Now, for those of you who aren’t neck-deep in blockchain like yours truly, a DAO is a kind of organization that is run by code, rather than people. Imagine a company where the decisions are made by smart contracts on the blockchain instead of suits in a boardroom. That’s a DAO. And this bill is essentially saying, “Hey, you smart contract-driven, decentralized entities, you’re real to us. You matter.”

But it’s not all just kumbaya, let’s-recognize-everyone time. This bill also sets the ground rules for DAOs. It’s like the state is saying, “Welcome to the club, DAOs. Here’s your rulebook. Don’t mess up.” And honestly, in a world where decentralization is king, having some rules isn’t a bad thing. It sets the standards, creates a path for DAOs to follow, and really helps legitimize them in the broader ecosystem.

One of the key points of this bill is that it requires DAOs to have a legal representative. This is the person that gets to deal with all the off-chain stuff that the DAO can’t handle because, well, it’s a bunch of code. This is the real-world link, the bridge between the digital and the physical. It’s like if Neo from the Matrix had a buddy in the real world, making sure everything ran smoothly while he was off battling Agents.

In the end, this bill really opens up the playing field for DAOs. It’s recognition, it’s rules, it’s a leap forward for blockchain and the whole crypto ecosystem. So let’s keep pushing those boundaries, let’s keep innovating, and let’s see what other doors we can unlock in this vast, exciting world of decentralization.



Tron Black
Tron Black

Written by Tron Black

Freedom advocate, crypto developer, businessman, entrepreneur, and lead dev for Ravencoin — a top crypto-currency and asset issuance platform.

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